Rebecca Bridges of Houston Dog Mom took to Facebook Friday afternoon expressing frustration over a lost puppy named Lola.
In the post she claims that Lola, a black staff/pitty mix that is just four months old, was placed in an Uber on Friday morning around 8 a.m. Lola was supposed to show up at the Pearland Canine Resource Center, a veterinary clinic in Pearland, TX.
Lola never made it.
Instead, Rebecca claims that the Uber driver panicked after he pulled over at a Travel Center, (TA Express) off 288, and Almeda Genoa to clean the kennel. As he was cleaning it, Lola bit him and ran off, the driver claimed to be Rebecca's friend, the one who requested the ride.
He drove around for a couple of hours, and according to Rebecca, the Uber app showed him stopping two blocks away from...