Thursday, February 27


2022 Houston NRA Convention met with protestors after school massacre
Headlines, Houston, Protests

2022 Houston NRA Convention met with protestors after school massacre

Protestors, along with Democrat Beto O’ Rourke who is running for Governor against Texas Governor Greg Abbott, gathered at Discovery Green in Houston to protest against the NRA Convention and advocate for gun control. The NRG Convention was taking place across the street at the George R Brown Convention Center on May 27, 2022. Former President Trump and the Republican leaders are lined up to speak at the convention. This video is managed by Newsflare. To use this video for broadcast or in a commercial player please email or call +44(0)8432895191
Photos: 2022 NRA Convention Protests in Houston
Headlines, Houston, Protests

Photos: 2022 NRA Convention Protests in Houston

9Houston, United States. 27 May, 2022. NRA Convention Protest Houston, United States. 27 May, 2022. NRA Convention Protest Houston, United States. 27 May, 2022. NRA Convention Protest Houston, United States. 27 May, 2022. NRA Convention Protest Houston, United States. 27 May, 2022. NRA Convention Protest