Saturday, March 15

Man ejected from vehicle after losing control and rolling over on Mesa Drive

June 9, 2023 – A fatal single-vehicle accident took place late Friday night in the 11900 block of Mesa Drive, Houston, resulting in the death of Miguel Castro-Izaguirre and minor injuries to his male passenger.

According to a press release from Harris County Sheriff’f Office, the incident happened at approximately 11:11 p.m. when Castro-Izaguirre was driving a silver 2002 Toyota Corolla, bearing the Texas license plate TBT 7114. He was heading northeast in the number 1 lane when he approached a northbound curve.

Castro-Izaguirre failed to heed a curve warning sign and did not stay within a single lane. As a result, the vehicle partially left the road, began to rotate counter-clockwise, and then rolled side over side. Castro-Izaguirre, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was ejected from the vehicle.

When Harris County Emergency Corps (HCEC) medic # 94 arrived at the scene around 11:31 p.m., Castro-Izaguirre was found with no signs of life. The male passenger, who sustained minor injuries, was transported to LBJ Hospital by HCEC medic # 93.

Preliminary investigations, based on two yaw marks found at the scene, indicate that Castro-Izaguirre may have exceeded the critical speed for the curve. The exact circumstances leading to the crash are still under investigation.

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