Friday, March 14

Woman dies after being ejected from vehicle during head-on collision on Mother’s Day

On Sunday, May 14, 2023, a woman lost her life in a crash on the I45 southbound in Harris County, Texas.

The accident, which occurred at approximately 2:42 AM, involved a red 2011 Honda Civic and a gray 2017 Ram pickup truck.

According to a press release from the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, the deceased has been identified as Merlin Danecy Gamoneda-Lopez, the driver of the Honda Civic. She was reportedly driving at an unsafe speed given the rainy and wet road conditions.

Authorities report that Gamoneda-Lopez lost control of her vehicle in the 18500 block of I45 southbound, specifically in the number 3 southbound lane. Her vehicle failed to maintain its lane and subsequently struck the West Jersey barrier with its back left side.

Following the collision with the barrier, Gamoneda-Lopez’s vehicle came to rest in the number 2 southbound lane, facing north. Shortly thereafter, a gray 2017 Ram pickup, was also traveling southbound in the same block range, collided with Gamoneda-Lopez’s vehicle. The point of contact was from the front right of both vehicles.

Gamoneda-Lopez was ejected from her vehicle due to the impact. Harris County ESD 11 arrived on the scene at approximately 2:57 AM and found Gamoneda-Lopez with no signs of life.

The driver of the Ram pickup, remained at the scene and cooperated with the investigation. There were no signs of intoxication observed in the driver.

This fatal crash is currently under investigation by the Harris County Sheriff’s Office Vehicular Crimes Division. It’s important to note that the preliminary findings of this investigation do not necessarily reflect the final conclusions. Further details will be released as the investigation progresses.

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