Thursday, March 6

Houston man suing Whataburger over food poisoning, seeks at least $200k

A Harris County man is asking for at least $200,000 after he claims that the popular fast food franchise, Whataburger gave him food poisoning.

According to initial court documents filed on behalf of Robert Catano by his attorney, Vu Nguyen of Nguyen and Associates, the Catano ate lunch at a Whataburger in west Houston, located at 2429 Gessner Rd., back in October of 2020. Shortly after eating his lunch, the man says he started to feel sharp pains in his stomach. He then went to Memorial Herman Hospital to receive treatment. Doctors at Memorial Herman Hospital then referred him to a specialist and he was then treated by multiple medical providers for his “foodborne illness” according to the court documents.

Catano and his lawyer are asking for at least $200,000 after they claim that Whataburger failed to ensure the food was safe for consumption and failed to adequately train its employees on safe food preparation, handling, and serving the food. They are asking that the final amount should be enough to cover all the medical treatment expenses Catano received because of his injuries, pain, and suffering, as well as his lost wages because of the incident. Catano missed two days of work because of the bad food the lawsuit claims he consumed.

We reached out to Nguyen & Associates for further comment, as well as Whataburger but we did not hear back in a reasonable amount of time.

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