Tuesday, February 25

A woman was hit by a car outside of Heart Nightclub, and someone decided to ‘AirDrop’ a video of the victim to strangers

October 9, 2022 – A woman was hit by a vehicle outside of Heart nightclub in Houston just after 1:30 a.m. As the victim was laying on the ground, someone decided to record a video and send it via ‘Air Drop’, to other iPhone users in the vicinity of the accident.

The club patron that showed us the video told us that they were inside the Heart nightclub, located at 5002 Washington Ave. when the accident occurred. The patron stated that she heard a loud crashing sound and turned around to see ‘several jaws dropping’ in shock. As they were looking at the accident, someone recorded the video and started to send it to patrons in the nearby vicinity that had Airdrop turned on. She decided to accept the video to see what it was all about and saw the woman leg’s “all twisted up.” She also stated it appeared that she was hit by a truck pulling turning into the parking lot of the nightclub, but she did not witness the accident firsthand as she was turned around at the time.

We confirmed the authenticity of the video and its contents, but we will not be posting it out of respect for the victim.

A woman was spotted in the video as well and looked to be helping the victim. Her relationship with the victim is not known at this time.

An ambulance transported the woman to a local hospital for treatment. It is unknown at the time how extensive her injuries are.

The Houston Police Department stayed behind after the ambulance left to conduct an investigation.

Airdrop is a feature on Apple products that allows users to send images, videos, links, etc. to other Apple devices.

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