Rodolfo Monjaraz “Rudy” was found in a field on July 6, 2022, next to the Cullen on-ramp to I-45 north. He was discovered by Houston Firefighters who were headed back to the station from another unrelated call.
According to his family, Rudy was last seen the day before July 5, 2022, wearing a white sweater and jeans. Firefighters discovered him with just his boxers on.
A homeless resident in the area told the family that they saw him earlier that morning at 8 a.m. They assumed he was asleep in the field and didn’t think anything of it. Five hours would pass by before someone decided it would be worth checking on him, despite this being a busy on-ramp to one of the main freeways in Houston.
After paramedics with Houston Fire Department pronounced Rudy deceased at the scene, the Houston Police Department was called out to investigate. The family wouldn’t find out that Rudy was discovered until the next day on July 8, 2022.
It was later learned by the family from a local tv channel that Rudy was found with “blunt force trauma to his body.” After learning about this and contacting the detective they were then told he had bruising on his forehead and scrapes on his knees.
The family then decided to investigate on their own and talk to any potential witnesses to try and find out what happened. They were told by one of the transient persons in the area that a wallet was found about 50 feet away from his body. This wallet was turned into a nearby church. They were also informed by transients living in the area, that the police showed them pictures of Rudy and that his stomach had bruises.
As of right now, no one has been arrested in connection with Rudy’s case and his family wants answers. The Monjaraz family will be holding a protest on Friday, July 29, 2022, in the field where Rudy was found, across from the 7-Eleven located at 4085 Gulf Freeway Frontage Rd.
If you have any information about the case, you are urged to contact the HPD Homicide Division at 713-308-3600.

Credit: Monjaraz Family (used with permission)